A file with absolute path /path/to/file can be copied from a Linux machine to a Windows machine in the current directory with the command: pscp -pw password. PSCP is a tool which can be used to copy files between Linux and Windows computers (similar to scp which transfers files between Linux computers), and is installed by default along with Putty. This shortcut can also be added to the Start menu for even easier access, by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting "Pin to Start".
This shortcut can now be used to start up this SSH session automatically, without having to open PuTTY and enter the hostname, username and password every time. Enter a name for the shortcut (EG "SSH into my-device") into the field labelled "Type a name for this shortcut". Enter the above putty command into the field labeled "Type the location of the item:". If the same user on the same Linux machine is to be accessed repeatedly, this command can be automated in Windows by creating a shortcut as follows: Given the username, hostname, and password of a Linux machine which is to be SSHed into, Putty can be automated from the command line as follows (assuming Putty is on the Windows path): putty -ssh -pw password
Putty is a tool which can be used for various purposes, including communicating with a Linux computer using SSH (Secure SHell) from a Windows computer.